Celebrating Excellence in the Surety Industry
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Silver Award
For LSAs that conduct at least five (5) public relations and educational activities in a calendar year to promote the use of contract surety bonds in construction to non-surety, non-insurance or non-lawyer audiences.

Gold Award
For LSAs that conduct at least ten (10) public relations and educational activities in a calendar year to promote the use of contract surety bonds in construction to non-surety, non-insurance or non-lawyer audiences.

Platinum Award
For an individual SFAA or NASBP member whose efforts to promote contract surety bonds have had a significant impact on the surety industry. This award is not based on the volume of activities, but on the successful outcome of the individual’s actions in promoting the value and benefits of contract surety bonds. Nominations for this award must summarize the significance of the individual’s accomplishments and specify outcomes and results of his or her efforts.

Advocacy Award
For LSAs that conduct significant activities advocating for suretyship, other than public relations or educational, such as fighting legislative efforts to waive bonds or increase bond thresholds, or advocating for reasonable bond forms.

For more details about the kinds of activities that will and will not count toward an award, please see the Advice Page of the website.